Spencer Hansen will present a solo show, Shaping Stories, at Samuel Lynne Gallery in Dallas, Texas. Shaping Stories is a reference to the dream-like play scapes that weave through his imagination. He shares his sculptures as the tangible representations of these liminal habitats, mapping the evolution of impalpable ideas into reality.
Working primarily with natural materials, Spencer’s art is a counterbalance to over-production, a statement against disposability, exhibiting a sense of timelessness in material and design.
Hansen excavates a world of possibilities through curiosity, repetition, and a commitment to discern the delicacy of connection. He builds relationship through form, combining contrasting elements with precision. The resulting story is a contradiction, undoubtedly familiar, simultaneously foreign, capable of evoking a sense of melancholic joy.
Both playful and thought provoking, his aesthetic shapes a relatable experience for the visitor. With past shows like Please Play and New Friends, it’s evident that his art is meant to be inclusive, encouraging interactions between the species he creates and the humans that visit.
“I believe stories are meant to be shaped and shared by different people. There is something innate about humans that we can share stories, that we can create something real and tangible out of the ether, something that we can believe in together. I hope to show that in my work, to share something inspiring and playful and fun, sometimes melancholy, sometimes a little scary, but always fun.”